Troubleshooting A Garage Door That Won't Close All the Way

Posted on: 5 April 2017

When your garage door stops functioning properly, it is essential to know what could have possibly caused the problem. While calling a professional is often recommended, knowing the potential culprit behind your garage door's faulty issue can help you save some money as well as time because there are some problems you can easily fix on your own. One problem you may experience with your garage door is failure to close all the way. When this happens, here are a few things you may want to check.

The Limit Switch

Inspecting the limit switch of your garage door is the first thing you want to do. This is because it controls how far closed or open your garage door opener will move the door. Using a screw driver, you can carefully adjust the limit switch to ensure your garage door opens or closes all the way. You need to locate the screws of the limit switch, which should be behind the lens cover of the light bulb or on the motor head's back. You will need a ladder to reach the switch.

In addition, it will be much easier to work with somebody. The extra person should open and close the garage door as you work on the switch. To increase the travel of your garage door, turn the switch clockwise and to decrease it, turn the switch anticlockwise. It is advisable that you make your adjustments in small increments to prevent doing it repeatedly to get the correct results.

The Garage Door Seal

If your garage door seal has fallen off, is weather rotted, damaged, worn or flattened, the door will have problems opening and closing fully. Therefore, check for such issues and replace the seal.

The Safety Sensors

Your garage door is equipped with safety sensors on each side. If any of the sensors is misaligned, your garage door may not open or close all the way. This is because the sensors use invisible beams to inform your garage door opener that the path of the door is clear for it to close. Therefore, if the sensors are misaligned, the path of the beam will be blocked and the door won't close all the way.

Detecting misaligned safety sensors is simple. The sensors have lights and if the sensors are operating properly, the lights should be on. If any of the light is blinking or is off, then it is misaligned. Fortunately, realigning the misaligned safety sensors is easy. Simply move the sensors along the track until the lights are on again. Doing this should get your door back to its operating condition.

For more help repairing your garage door, contact a garage door service.
