Selecting Security Doors for Your Home

Posted on: 24 April 2017

Security in your home is critical and one great way to achieve this is to ensure all openings to your home are as secure as possible. Investing in security doors is usually a viable solution for many homeowners. Unfortunately, choosing a security door wrongly will definitely have an impact in terms of the level of security offered. For instance, a strong security door attached to a weaker door frame will not be beneficial because potential burglars may work their way through the weaker spots. For this reason, if you are planning to invest in security doors for your home, you must ensure you are getting not only the door but also the level of security that these doors are designed to offer. To help you, here is some information you should have prior to your purchase.

Pay Extra Attention to the Choice of Materials

Most security doors are made from wood, aluminium and steel. A wooden security door can easily match with the style of your home if aesthetic appeal is one of your major concerns. The door can be painted to complement various styles or can be left with its natural appearance to enhance the look of your home even more. However, for security purposes, metal doors are a better option because they usually offer more protection. Steel security doors are oftentimes stronger than their aluminium counterparts, but unfortunately, they tend to be susceptible to effects of corrosion. For this reason, always look for those protected against corrosion. If you live in an area with high levels of humidity, such as the coastal areas, an aluminium door would be a good choice because it won't easily corrode under such conditions. However, since aluminium is usually a weaker material than steel, you should consider an aluminium door with greater thickness to gain that necessary strength.

Look at the Construction of the Framing

Many homeowners understand the need to choose a strong framing material. However, perhaps just a few of them know that how the framing is constructed can compromise the security level of the door even with a stronger frame material. What you need to look for in the framing is the depth of the grille's receiver channel. The deeper the channel, the higher the level of protection your security door will offer. This is because a deeper receiver channels will make it harder for a potential burglar to push the edge out of the framing.
