Does Your Home Need Better Security?

Posted on: 22 March 2021

How well-protected is your property? As a responsible homeowner, you will probably make sure that you lock the front door every time you leave the building. You should also have invested in window locks to prevent anyone prising open a window for entry, but is there more that you can do to keep your home or business safe?

Taking home security to the next level

Perhaps, when you think about home security, your thoughts turn to home alarms. Alarms deter intruders and notify you when an intruder has entered your premises, they may even call the authorities automatically once an intruder is detected, but they can't prevent entry. If you want to stop an unwanted intruder, security doors are a good way to protect your property.

Why bother with security doors?

You might think that buying strong locks for all of your doors will create sufficient protection, but there is a problem. A lock can certainly prevent someone from opening a door, but it doesn't make the door secure. A wooden door can be smashed, a UPVC door can be broken or removed from the frame. Only specially designed security doors can offer the level of protection you need. Security doors are made of strong metal and are always supplied with an equally strong frame so that there is no way that an intruder can gain easy access through the door. Hinges are another potential weak spot for many doors. Criminals will often try to knock out the hinges or to separate the door from the hinges. To prevent the hinges from being attacked, security doors use special hinges to connect the door with pins that cannot be removed.

The advantages of security doors

No door can offer a promise of 100% protection, but fitting security doors significantly reduces the likelihood of your home being targeted by criminals. In most cases, burglaries are opportunistic, if criminals notice that your home is well-protected and difficult to enter, they will be much more likely to look elsewhere for an easier target. Security doors are so successful at reducing crime that many insurance companies will offer you a discount on your home insurance if you can demonstrate that you have appropriate doors fitted to your home. To identify the most appropriate security door for your home, speak to your local security door installation company. They can visit your premises and identify the most suitable doors for your building.
